This is the anointing for Wales, for you are the Land of the Fathers. This is the anointing of perseverance. and it's birthed in supplication. Because the word of the Lord is that we grow in the things of God, and the will of the Lord is that a people grow into the father anointing. Here in Wales the father anointing is deposited but not yet fulfilled. The revival never came into its maturity, it was halted at the young man level, it was halted by spiritual warfare. But the Lord is wanting the fullness of that deposit to come into fatherhood. He is wanting it released from the very depths of this earth into the nations. He is wanting to call it forth and the fathering anointing is called forth in Gethsemene. It is the place where Jesus himself said, "Would that this cup pass from me, nevertheless not what I will but what you will Father." Because he knew him who was from the beginning, because Jesus was with the Father before the foundation of the earth, before all things were made he said, "If they lose it I will be the Lamb slain from the foundation of the earth". And Jesus knew that it was fixed in heaven, but when a thing broke, when a thing damaged, when a thing would not rise up to God, he himself would lie in that place, he himself would embrace the cross, and he would put his own flesh on the line for it until the anointing is brought forth. Church in Wales this is the burden that Christ is laying on you. You have got to supplicate to the death of your own flesh. You have got to lie like Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemene, and say "God, would that I didn't have to go this way, nevertheless not what I will but what you will." For you have a deposit that is laid here from the foundation of the earth, you have a deposit in this Nation that is a rich and lasting revival anointing, and it only came to its first phase, and has gone back into the depths of the earth. So Church in Wales you must lie on the face of the earth, you must lie in supplication, like Jesus watched and prayed in Gethsemene. And he cast himself on the earth and he prayed until sweat like drops of blood poured forth from him. And you as the Church in Wales are called by God, to call this anointing up from the depths, because it is the anointing of the father who knows him who is from the beginning, and will persevere and persevere in poured out prayer until that which the Lord prophesied before the foundation of the earth is seen again on the earth. And the Lord says if you will pray like this, if you will supplicate like this, if you will pour yourself out like this, if you will lie on the earth itself so that your sweat drops into the earth, then that very prayer, that very anointing, that anointing of the father supplication will soak into the earth. And there will be signs in the mountains, and God needs to rend the mountains in this land, for the anointing is buried very, very deep; and it's a mountainous land and the mountains are high, resisting the depths of God being brought forth. And God is going to rend the mountain and there will be a sign both in this land and in the land of Patagonia, where there is a seeding of the Welsh people, a seeding of the Welsh people in the mountainous region, in South America where already it's younger and so bursting forth. And this will be a sign, that there will be a rending of the mountain in Patagonia, this is a sign of the Welsh anointing coming to the surface of the earth again, and this will be the sign. Be encouraged in your praying, be encouraged in your praying. And God says that Anglesey will be like a mini Wales, and that island will be like a small nation and it will be to the Nation a sign, and God will start to move in Anglesey as a little Wales. Like the book of Colossians is like the little book of Ephesians and Zechariah is the little book of Isaiah. Anglesey will be the little book of Wales. And God will call forth an anointing in Anglesey, and it will begin with an intercessory anointing in Anglesey, and there will be signs in Anglesey too, and a rising of tides, a rising of the sea because the abundance of the sea is converted unto thee, and the Nation shall come unto thee. And there will be high tides and high seas and high waters in Anglesey and this will be a sign of the nations being drawn to the anointing of Wales. And all this will come about because of the intercessory grace of the fathers to call forth the third level in the heavens; to call forth the fathers anointing, that persevering anointing in prayer, that goes to the very deep places, the deep places of personal cost - the deep calls to deep, the deep anointing that is seeded in this land beneath the mountains and must be called forth for the nations. For it did not come to its prime in the first fruits at the beginning of this century but the Lord says, at the end of the century it will come to its prime because the anointed intercessors and the fathers in this land must and will call it forth.
This is the Word of the Lord.
Prophecy given by Sue Mitchell at the "Prophesying Today" conference at Cefn Lea May 14th 1998
(After teaching on the three levels in the heavens and our need to be growing up into them and prophesying the church into growth: - the child, the young man, and the fathers. Three anointings birthed in intercession. (I John 2:12-14) Sue gave us the following)